Manual VMX FRC SD Card Image Creation

  1. Create a Raspbian Buster with Desktop SD Card, using the Official Raspbian Installation Instructions.
    • Required:  Raspbian requires an SD Card which is at least 8GB in size. Kauai Labs recommends a 32GB SD Card.
    • Recommendation: If you’ve never installed Raspbian before, use the NOOBS installation method.
    • Recommendation: If you choose not to install NOOBS, install the “Raspbian Buster with desktop and recommended software” variant.
    • User name/password: Use the default user name (“pi”) and password (“raspberry”). NOTE: Do not change the Raspberry Pi default user name and password, even if prompted to do so – the default user name and password are required to deploy software from VSCode.
  2. Replace syslogd with busybox:
    • sudo apt-get install busybox-syslogd
    • sudo dpkg –purge rsyslog
  3. Install vmxpi-frc Tools package
  4. Enable Raspberry Pi communication with the VMX-pi Circuit Board by following the instructions in the “Enabling Communication Interfaces” section on the VMX-pi HAL Libary Page.