The navX2-MXP development, like that of the navX-MXP and nav6 IMUs which preceded it, could not have happened without the contributions and support of many people. Kauai Labs would like to especially thank the following for the part they played in making navX2-MXP a success:
- James Massaro, whose vision and tireless efforts to create, organize and lead FRC Team 2465 – the Kauaibots – Kauai’s island-wide FIRST Robotics Team – have inspired numerous students to pursue engineering, math and technology careers. James has continually supported and encouraged the development of nav6 and navX-MXP, starting in late 2012 when it was just a concept to today where these technologies are being used by hundreds of FIRST FRC robotics team.
- Cynthia Libert, my lovely and insightful wife, who patiently put up with the long nights and early mornings when work on nav6 and navX-MXP meant less time for yard work, helping around the house and walks on the beach. Cynthia is now running the Kauai Labs store’s shipping department and ensuring that those who order nav6 and navX-MXP receive it quickly and correctly.
- Quinn Hannah-White and Braden Beck, Kauaibots (Team 2465) Control System team members, who helped with the testing and integration of the nav6 prototype and the nav6 C++ library during the 2013 FRC season and during the off-season that followed.
- Will Marshall, FRC Team 11 (MORT), an early nav6 customer who has helped develop and improve the accuracy and performance of Java Library code which simplifies nav6 integration on a Java-based FRC robot. Will also provided valuable nav6-related feedback that was incorporated into the navX-MXP design.
- Joe Ross, Mentor, FRC Team 330 (Beachbots), who volunteered to develop the nav6 LabView Library, which simplifies nav6 integration on a LabView-based FRC robot. Joe continued to help by testing nav6 on the new RoboRio platform in the Java language and providing helpful input as navX-MXP was being developed.
- James Parks, FRC Team 900 (Zebracorns), an early navX-MXP user who extended the nav6 LabView Library and added support for the new SPI and I2C interfaces, which provide lower latency and consumes less CPU bandwidth than the Serial interfaces.
- Tim Easterling, a FRC mentor who transformed the navX-MXP LabView Library to support the new “Action Engine” model, vastly simplying the library’s easy of use.
- The Kauaibots team members who help install firmware and test the production boards, including Tyres Caberto, Matthew Rogers, Quinn Catlin, Erin Rynda and Elizabeth Makizuru.
- The various companies, individuals and groups who sponsor the Kauaibots, including the Kauai Robotics Alliance, BAE Systems, Oceanit Labs, Lappert’s Ice Cream, Kapaa Rotary Club, Young Brothers, the Kauai Economic Development Board, Lifeway Pharmacy, NASA, the Parker Group, STU LLC, Syngenta, Textron, J R Welding and Equipment Repairs, Commercial Plumbing Inc., Pioneer, Basil Scott, and many, many others.