VMX-rtk Master Build Script

This page contains the “master build script” which creates the VMX Robotics Toolkit.  This script is designed to run on a Raspberry Pi.


Raspberry Pi 4 with micro SD card running Raspbian Buster and with at least 8GB of free space available.


Be prepared to wait.

In addition to the hour or so it takes to configure a fresh micro SD Card with Raspbian Buster (which must be completed in order to run the “master build script”), the master build script typically takes approximately 12 hours to build/verify and is made available to those who prefer to build the VMX RTK themselves – as opposed to purchasing the preassembled VMX Robotics Toolkit on a 32GB SD Card.

You will very likely encounter issues requiring you to “dive in” to fix them; if you are building ROS, there are manual steps (see comments in script) you must take to achieve successful compilation.

Note that Kauai Labs does not provide official support for the “master build script”, for several reasons:  (a) the version of all installed components is constantly being updated by the individual internet-based developers, and ROS especially requires manual source modifications to compile correctly and (b) the internet connection from the Raspberry Pi must be operational during most of the build process.  For both of these reasons, Kauai Labs cannot guarantee that the “master build script” will complete without error – although Kauai Labs can say that at the time the script was originally published it was known to work.
